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BBJProjeK Playground

The BBJProjeK Playground is a dedicated online environment for hosting internal and archived projects that require a web interface.

Accessing Playground

To access the playground, head to BBJProjeK Playground. You will then be prompted to sign-in via our webmail access. If you are already signed in on the BBJProjeK Mail, you may be automatically redirected to the playground dashboard.

Playground Content

The playground includes archived and deprecated projects that used to be available under public domains. For example; Artwork Finder, Lapiacery Assembler or Hardware Builder.

On the playground, you can host your own private or public projects if yours requires it. This way offering a platform for team members to develop and test new internal web-based modules in a controlled environment before potential integration into a broader ecosystem.

Hosting Projects

To host a project, you will first need to create a project, also known as "repository". You can import it from BBJProjeK GitLab, or start from scratch. Then, you will be accessing to the prerequisites windows to set up the necessary interfaces and server infrastructure.

You can always contact the DEWG for infrastructure help at

Community and Collaboration

One of the key advantages of the BBJProjeK Playground is its ability to foster a collaborative community. The dashboard includes a dedicated community section where users can join Work-in-Progress Projects and discover ongoing projects and contribute your skills to their development.

On the dashboard, you can work alongside other developers to write, review, and improve code, as well as offer a design expertise to enhance the user experience and aesthetics of projects.

By actively participating in the Playground community, you can connect with like-minded individuals, learn from others, and contribute to the success of various projects.

Happy playing!