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BBJProjeK Drive

BBJProjeK Drive, or BBJProjeK Internal CDN is a service available for every user who has a virtual machine or are allowed explicitly by the team.

How Does it Work

Every user with a virtual machine should have already made the initial bringup for the machine. The setup comes with the installation of the command bupl, which allow the user to upload a file or folder to the BBJProjeK CDN.

Using "bupl" Command

-laPrints all configured accounts in the config files
-caCreate a new account with the given bbjprojek username if does not already exists. If the given account exists then script will ask for a new name.
-daDeletes an account information from config file
-sFolders only. Skips creation of sub folders and upload all files inside the INPUT folder
–speedLimits the download speed, supported formats: 1K, 1M and 1G
-tEnabled a timebomb for the file/folder. Use M for minute, H for hour and D for days. Max expiry time is 7 days
–skip-internet-checkSkips check for internet connection, recommended to use in sync jobs
-hDisplays usage instructions

Managing Uploaded Asssets

You can edit, delete and change access to any uploaded assets, either via bupl command or via website, by going to BBJProjeK CDN.

In the website, you can also upload assets from your virtual machine, you'll only need the path for the file, and your private key of the machine.

October 2023 Update

Since Oct 27, 2023, it was then possible to customize some sharing options

  • Allows user to set an expiry time (5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 6 hour, 12 hour, 24 hour, or 7 days)
  • Allows user to track the times that file has been downloaded
  • Possibility to filter or add a whitelist for downloading files (private, organization-only, or public).