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Getting Started

Start configuring a ready-to-go and powerful JOSM instance.


This is a list of useful plugins for JOSM. You can read about each one before installing, so you can decide whether installing it or not.

  • building_tools
  • contourmerge
  • HouseNumberTaggingTool
  • jaxb
  • OpeningHoursEditor
  • PicLayer
  • pointInfo
  • pt_assistant
  • reverter
  • todo
  • touchscreenhelper
  • utilsplugin2

Paint Styles

  • JOSM Default
  • Building Levels Labels
  • Coloured Buildings.en
  • Coloured Streets
  • Public Transport


JOSM already includes an interesting list of presets which are really useful for the daily usage. We recently created a preset which contains some useful urban amenities:


This includes a list of useful imageries for Spain and other Europe contries.

PNOA Anual e Histórico (WMS)

(It will allow selecting the desired imagery)

Cartográfico IGN (TMS)


Google Maps Satellite

only for evaluating

Do not use Google Maps Satellite Imagery as a reference for drawing any street, park or any other node or way. Google Maps Satellite is licensed.

using bypass

JOSM developers are kind of smart. This line of code blocks the usage of and servers (GMaps Satellite TMS service). But we are smarter. Use this HTTP 302 redirect for usig Gmaps Satellite on JOSM. Again said, only for evaluating.

Do not draw from this Imagery. We are not responsible for the misuse of this layer in JOSM.


You can replace the s after lyrs= to access other types of map:

  • y = hybrid
  • s = satelite
  • t = train
  • m = map