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ElementOS Changelog Archived

In this section you'll see all the changelog from our project ElementOS, currently dead.

ElementOS 5 Updated (March 14, 2021)

ElementOS 5 Android 10? Yeah we all love it. ElementOS 5 codenamed Zinc is here!. This version is officially available for Pixel 1 (XL), Pixel 2 (XL) and Pixel 3 (XL). With stability and powerful perfomance 🌈

You can build ElementOS 5 by checking elementosrom/manifest


  • AOSP 10.0.0_r45 (Android 10 Release 45, August Patch from Pixel 4a)
  • Google Apps and Apex from QD4A.200805.003
  • Ported Android 11 new Icon Shapes and System Icons
  • Bring Back Google Sans for body + Inter for text
  • Custom Ringtones from latest ElementOS 7+.
  • Introduced ElementOSWallpapersStubPrebuilt from ElementOS 7+. With all the new collections


  • Stability improvements
  • Imported vendor_googlab improvements from ElementOS 7.2.1 (SystemUIGoogle Black Magic)
  • Added basic PixelPropsUtils. Allows apps to be detected as Pixel 4 (coral)
  • Hidden build id on quicksettings footer
  • Tap-Tap (columbus) built directly into SystemUIGoogle. You can set action on Settings > Gestures
  • Reduced screenshot keychord delay
  • Added ElementOS version to Settings
  • Added dex2oat64 for faster app installs

NOTE: Most of these changes are already on ElementOS 7+ (Android 11 builds). This changelog is compared from the latest Android 10 version (BrainRepo 4.5)

ElementOS 7.2 (March 3, 2021)

ElementOS 7 ElementOS 7.2 March Update. Available for Pixel 1 (XL), Pixel 2 (XL), Pixel 3 (XL), Pixel 4 XL and Pixel 5. Yay!


  • Welcome, Pixel 5!
  • AOSP 11.0.0_r32 (Android 11 Release 32, March Patch from Pixel 5)
  • Google Apps and Apex from RQ2A.- 210305.006
  • Fixed Google Sans Font
  • Introduced Expanded Volume Panel


  • Added OnePlus and iOS wallpaper collections
  • Added new default ringtones
  • Fixed blur for supported devices
  • Pixel 4 XL: Updated to ProtonKernel. A new fresh and fast kernel
  • Pixel 3 (XL): TCP BPR backports
  • Pixel 3 (XL): Optimized cpuidle callbacks
  • Pixel 2 (XL) & Pixel 3 (XL): Implement optimized arm64 instructions
  • Changes from last update

Enjoy your life! (●'◡'●)

ElementOS 7.1 (February 3, 2021)

ElementOS 7.1 ElementOS 7.1 February Update. For bbjprojek staff devices only


  • AOSP 11.0.0_r29 (Android 11 Release 29, February Patch from Pixel 5)
  • Google Apps and Apex from RQ1A.210205.004
  • Added back Google Sans as body font. Keeping Inter as text
  • Safetynet fix for failed CTS profile


  • Disabled blur by default. Props to enable
  • Imported Manrope Font
  • Pixel 3(XL): armv8-2a/kyro385 optimisations
  • Pixel 3(XL): Updated Kernel
  • Pixel 2(XL): Updated Kernel

NOTE: There haven't been many changes either from us and from google, minor update Stay safe ❤️

ElementOS 7 (Jan 9, 2021)

ElementOS 7 ElementOS 7 Arsenic release. . All official and testing devices


  • AOSP 11.0.0_r27 (Android 11 Release 27, January Patch from Pixel 5)
  • Google Apps and Apex from RQ1A.210105.003
  • Updated ElementOSWallpapersStub. New wallpapers, now building from source
  • Added new custom ringtones
  • New Icon Shapes (Health, SandClock, Star and Tooth Cylinder and Etruscan)
  • Added Kai/Sam/Victor Fonts


  • Added SimpleDeviceConfig
  • Pixel 3(XL): Updated Kernel

NOTE: Pixel 1 and 2 devices are getting the Christmas update features. See here

ElementOS 6.4 (Dec 21, 2020)

ElementOS 6.4 ElementOS 6.4 vanadium release. Minor Christmas Update. Pixel 3/3XL, Pixel 4 XL and Xiaomi Mi A1


  • Updated Now Playing database from Pixel 5
  • Introduced ElementOSWallpapersStubPrebuilt. A wallpaper collection integrated with Styles & Wallpapers app
  • Added two new accent colors: Spotify (#1DB954) and Starbucks (#00704A)
  • Allow safe bootloader locking on Pixel 4 too. Guide: Locking Bootloader on ElementOS


  • Updated build id to RQ1A.201205.011 (Pixel 5)
  • Reverted PixelPropsUtils (fixes Safetynet)
  • Increase 5 GHz network signal tolerance
  • Pixel 3/3XL: Re-added big interaction boost
  • Pixel 3/3XL: Updated PaloKernel to 2.0
  • Pixel 4/4XL: Updated Proton Kernel to r3
  • Xiaomi Mi A1: Updated Strix Kernel

NOTE: Official devices not listed here will receive these changes in next regular update (January)

ElementOS 6.3 (Dec 11, 2020)

ElementOS 6.3 ElementOS 6.3 vanadium release. Available for Pixel/XL, Pixel 2/2XL, Pixel 3/3XL, Pixel 4 XL and Xiaomi Mi A1


  • AOSP 11.0.0_r20 (Android 11 Release 20, December Patch from Pixel 5)
  • Google Apps and Apex from RQ1A.201205.011
  • December Feature Drop
  • Updated SystemUIGoogle prebuilts from Pixel 5
  • Option to enable AOD only when charging
  • Allow safe bootloader locking on Pixel 3 and 4. Locking Bootloader on ElementOS


  • Added NFC Tile on QS
  • Introduced PixelPropsUtils, allows to spoof Google Apps as Pixel 5
  • Hidden build id on quicksettings footer
  • Updated default wallpaper
  • Added package name to app details in Settings

ElementOS 6.2 (Nov 13, 2020)

ElementOS 6.2 ElementOS 6.2 vanadium release. Based on Android 11. Available for Pixel/XL, Pixel 2/2XL,Pixel 3/3XL and Xiaomi Mi A1!


  • AOSP 11.0.0_r15 (Android 11 Release 15, November Patch from Pixel 5)
  • Google Apps and apex from RD1A.201105.003.C1
  • Added Extreme Battery Server from Pixel 5 (flipendo)
  • New System Icons (Kai/Sam/Victor) and fonts from Pixel
  • Imported SystemUIGoogle code and overlays from Pixel 5


  • Fixed Tap-Tap integration on Settings
  • Removed build id from quick settings
  • Pixel 3/3XL: Dropped prebuilt kernel, featuring my own kernel
  • Pixel 2/2XL: Updated kernel

ElementOS 6.1 (Oct 8, 2020)

ElementOS 6.1 ElementOS (called brainrepo) 6.1 vanadium release. Based on Android 11. Available for Pixel/XL, Pixel 2/2XL and Pixel 3/3XL


  • AOSP 11.0.0_r5 (Android 11 Release 5, October Patch)
  • Google Apps and apex from RP1A.201005.006
  • Fixed SafetyNet without Magisk or custom kernel patches
  • Tap-Tap (columbus) built directly into SystemUIGoogle. You can set action on Settings > Gestures
  • Fixed fingerprint authentication in third-party apps
  • Demoted ADB notification (can also be disabled manually now)
  • Option to disable camera laser autofocus in developer options


  • Added ElementOS version to Settings
  • Allow to add/remove QS with one click
  • Reduced screenshot keychord delay
  • Show only 2 notification icons on status bar
  • Removed slow wakeup animation
  • Enabled feature flags
  • Fixed blur lag

brainrepo 5 (Sept 17, 2020)

brainrepo 5.0 Vanadium release. Based on Android 11. Available for Pixel 3 (blueline) and Pixel 3 XL (crosshatch)


  • AOSP 11.0.0_r1 (Android 11 Release 1, September Patch)
  • Google Apps from Pixel 4 XL factory image RP1A.200720.003
  • Built with SystemUIGoogle (Active Edge, Flip Camera, PVC)
  • Updatable Apex (Google Play system update)
  • UI tweaks from the Pixel stock ROM
  • Improved UI performance using Vulkan rendering backend
  • Enhanced typography (Inter Font)
  • Boot animation that doesn't slow down boot
  • Bring back 2 Button navigation mode
  • More Accents Color: Teal and H!OS

Changelog (20200918)

  • SystemUIGoogle (lewdboratory) is working again on Android 11 (Active Edge, Flip Camera will work)
  • Dark theme and crash fixed in Settings search
  • Incall proximity sensor problem has been also fixed.
  • Fixed issue when AOD wouldn't resume

This is a USER builds so CTS, Banking apps work by default